Journey through the Uk with Slimming World
For Slimming World’s 50’s anniversary bus tour we created a micro website featuring all the stops and events of the tour. One of the concept we created was to have one continuous line to run through the site, like the journey of the buss, connecting the different sections of the website.
Creating the visual style for the website, I had to find a way to balance between the abstract, and being recognisable enough, as they represent the UK map and famous landmarks around the country.
We create two different design versions for the client to choose from, however the client ended up going a different concept for the final version of the website. So this visual style only ended up being part of the concept fase.
This project goes live in the summer of 2019.
Lead Creative: Matteo Rostagno and Dustin Silk
Lead Designer: Matteo Rostagno
Production Company: MediaMonks